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Scientific Publications

Ore Geology

Ore Geology

Ore Geology

Baumgartner R, Fontboté L, Vennemann TW (2008) Mineral zoning and geochemistry of epithermal polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu-Bi mineralization at Cerro de Pasco, Peru Economic Geology:493-537 doi:https://doi.org/10.2113/gsecongeo.103.3.493

Einaudi MT (1977) Environment of Ore Deposition at Cerro de Pasco, Peru Economic Geology 72:893-924 doi:https://doi.org/10.2113/gsecongeo.72.6.893

Graton LC, Bowditch SI (1936) Alkaline and acid solutions in hypogene zoning at Cerro de Pasco Economic Geology 31:651-698 doi:https://doi.org/10.2113/gsecongeo.31.7.651

Rottier B, Kouzamanov K, Scasanova M, Walle M, Fontboté F (2018) Cyclic Dilution of Magmatic Metal-Rich Hypersaline Fluids by Magmatic Low-Salinity Fluid: A Major Process Generating the Giant Epithermal Polymetallic Deposit of Cerro de Pasco, Peru Economic Geology 113:825-856 doi:https://doi.org/10.5382/econgeo.2018.4573

Rottier B, Kouzmanov K, Walle M, Bendezu R, Fontbote L (2016) Sulfide Replacement Processes Revealed by Textural and LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Analyses: Example from the Early Mineralization Stages at Cerro de Pasco, Peru Economic Geology 111:1347-1367 doi:https://doi.org/10.2113/econgeo.111.6.1347

Baumgartner, R., FontboteĢ, L. s., Spikings, R., Ovtcharova, M., Schaltegger, U., Schneider, J., Page, L., and Gutjahr, M., 2009, Bracketing the Age of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Activity at the Cerro de Pasco Epithermal Polymetallic Deposit, Central Peru: A U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar Study*: Economic Geology, v. 104, no. 4, p. 479-504. https://doi.org/10.2113/gsecongeo.104.4.479  

Rottier, B., Kouzmanov, K., Bouvier, A.-S., Baumgartner, L. P., Wälle, M., Rezeau, H., Bendezú, R., and Fontboté, L., 2016, Heterogeneous melt and hypersaline liquid inclusions in shallow porphyry type mineralization as markers of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition (Cerro de Pasco district, Peru): Chemical Geology, v. 447, p. 93-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.10.032

Rottier, B., Kouzmanov, K., Casanova, V., Bouvier, A.-S., Baumgartner, L. P., Wälle, M., and Fontboté, L., 2018, Mineralized breccia clasts: a window into hidden porphyry-type mineralization underlying the epithermal polymetallic deposit of Cerro de Pasco (Peru): Mineralium Deposita, v. 53, no. 7, p. 919-946. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-017-0786-9

Rottier, B., Kouzmanov, K., Ovtcharova, M., Ulianov, A., Wälle, M., Selby, D., and Fontboté, L., 2020, Multiple rejuvenation episodes of a silicic magma reservoir at the origin of the large diatreme-dome complex and porphyry-type mineralization events at Cerro de Pasco (Peru): Lithos, v. 376-377, p. 105766. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105766

Saintilan, N. J., Sproson, A. D., Selby, D., Rottier, B., Casanova, V., Creaser, R. A., Kouzmanov, K., Fontboté, L., Piecha, M., Gereke, M., and Zambito, J. J., 2021, Osmium isotopic constraints on sulphide formation in the epithermal environment of magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits: Chemical Geology, v. 564, p. 120053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.120053

Environmental Impact - Baseline

Graphical Abstract

Environmental Impact - Baseline

Melton CA, Hughes DC, Page DL, Phillips MS (2020) Temporal multispectral and 3D analysis of Cerro de Pasco, Peru Science of The Total Environment 706:135640 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135640

Molloy JB, Rodbell DT, Gillikin DP, Hollocher KT (2020) Citizen science campaign reveals widespread fallout of contaminated dust from mining activities in the central Peruvian Andes Geology 48:678-682 doi:https://doi.org/10.1130/G47096.1

Bianchini F (2015) Elemental contamination of an open-pit mining area in the Peruvian Andes International journal of environmental science and technology v. 12:pp. 10-1074-2015 v.1012 no.1073 doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-013-0493-8

Rodbell D, Delman E, Abbott M, Besonen M, Tapia P (2014) The heavy metal contamination of Lake Junín National Reserve, Peru: An unintended consequence of the juxtaposition of hydroelectricity and mining GSA TODAY 24:4-10 doi:https://doi.org/10.1130/GSATG200A.1

Cooke CA, Wolfe AP, Hobbs WO (2009) Lake-sediment geochemistry reveals 1400 years of evolving extractive metallurgy at Cerro de Pasco, Peruvian Andes Geology 37:1019-1022 doi:https://doi.org/10.1130/g30276a.1

van Geen, A., Bravo, C., Gil, V., Sherpa, S., and Jack, D., 2012, Lead exposure from soil in Peruvian mining towns: a national assessment supported by two contrasting examples: Bull World Health Organ, v. 90, p. 878-886. https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/90/12/12-106419/en/  

Other Reports

Mine Waste Characteristics

Excelsior waste rock dump

Excelsior waste rock dump

Smuda J, Dold B, Friese K, Morgenstern P, Glaesser W (2007) Mineralogical and geochemical study of element mobility at the sulfide-rich Excelsior waste rock dump from the polymetallic Zn-Pb-(Ag-Bi-Cu) deposit, Cerro de Pasco, Peru Journal of Geochemical Exploration 92:97-110 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2006.08.001

Quiulacocha tailings impoundment

Quiulacocha tailings impoundment

Dold B, Wade C, Fontbote L (2009) Water management for acid mine drainage control at the polymetallic Zn-Pb-(Ag-Bi-Cu) deposit of Cerro de Pasco, Peru Journal of Geochemical Exploration 100:133-141 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2008.05.002

Yanamate Lagoon

Yanamate Lagoon

Wisskirchen C, Dold B, Friese K, Spangenberg J, Morgenstern, Gläser W (2010) Geochemistry of highly acidic mine water following disposal into a natural lake with carbonate bedrock Applied Geochemistry 25:1107-1119 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2010.04.015

Cretton P (2011) Environmental assessment of a natural lake site used to store acid mine waters, six years after restoration (Cerro de Pasco, Central Peru). University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Picoy Santaigo JE (2016) Tratamiento de la contaminacion de los suelos del al laguna de Yanamate empleando la tecnologia de la fitoremediatcion. Trabajo de Titulo. Universidad Nacional “Daniel Alcides Carrion”, Cerro de Pasco, Peru

Formation of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)

Graphical Abstract

Formation of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)

Dold B (2010) Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste management. In: Kumar S (ed) Waste Management. https://www.intechopen.com/books/waste-management/basic-concepts-in-environmental-geochemistry-of-sulfidic-mine-waste-management

Dold B (2014) Evolution of Acid Mine Drainage formation in sulphidic mine tailings Minerals 4(2):621-641 doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/min4030621

Dold B (2017) Acid Rock Drainage Prediction - A critical review Journal of Geochemical Exploration 172:120-132 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.09.014

Dold B (2020) Sourcing of critical elements and industrial minerals from mine waste – The final evolutionary step back to sustainability of humankind? Journal of Geochemical Exploration doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2020.106638

Health Issues



Astete, J., Cáceres, W., Gastañaga, M. d. C., Lucero, M., Sabastizagal, I., Oblitas, T., Pari, J., and Rodríguez, F., 2009, Intoxicación por plomo y otros problemas de salud en niños de poblaciones aledañas a relaves mineros: Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. http://www.scielo.org.pe/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1726-46342009000100004

Ramos, W., Munive, L., Alfaro, M., Calderón, M., Gonzáles, I., and Núñez, Y., 2009, Chronic lead poisoning: a review of the environmental peruvian problem: Rev. peru. epidemiol, v. 13, p. 1-8. https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/363/36311625004.pdf?v=032608

Vega-Dienstmaier, J. M., Salinas-Piélago, J. E., Gutiérrez-Campos, M. d. R., Mandamiento-Ayquipa, R. D., Yara-Hokama, M. d. C., Ponce-Canchihuamán, J., and Castro-Morales, J., 2006, Lead levels and cognitive abilities in Peruvian children: Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, v. 28, p. 33-39. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-44462006000100008


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