CNSX: CDPR   Last: 0.30    Change: 0.00
PINK: GPPRF   Last: 0.21    Change: 0.00

About Cerro de Pasco Resources

Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc. (CDPR) is focused on the development of its principal 100% owned asset, the El Metalurgista mining concession, comprising silver-rich mineral tailings and stockpiles extracted over a century of operation from the Cerro de Pasco open pit mine in Central Peru. The company’s approach at El Metalurgista entails the reprocessing and environmental remediation of mining waste and the creation of numerous opportunities in a circular economy. The asset is one of the world’s largest above-ground resources.


To reprocess and remediate mining waste accumulated over a hundred years at Cerro de Pasco, generating profit by extracting all mineral values, with the combined objective of restoring the environment, giving back to the local communities, and creating sustainable wealth.


To provide a template for sustainable and competitive mining in Cerro de Pasco, driving the creation of circular economic solutions for problematic mining waste.


To use the best proven technology and practice to extract all mineral values remaining at Cerro de Pasco, creating economies of scale, efficiency and longevity, deploying long-established infrastructure and building alliance with adjoining mining operations.

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