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Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Engagement

CDPR gives priority to: hiring locally, negotiating agreements with communities in a transparently manner, ensuring the use of meaningful and effective public consultation mechanisms that contribute to a good local understanding and acceptance of our projects and operations, and developing and implementing community relation plans that successfully address local needs and contribute to the strengthening of livelihoods.

Our community relation initiatives are guided by the following principles:

Stakeholder Consultation

At CDPR we ensure that our environmental and social permitting processes involve extensive community / stakeholder consultation, and full transparent disclosure of the characteristics of our projects and their potential environmental and social impacts during the mine life cycle (e.g. exploration and feasibility, planning and construction, operation and mine closure).

In the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, CDPR maintains it full commitment to ensure extensive community consultation and disclosure of project information using the guidelines and protocols put in place by the relevant Peruvian Government authorities.

Land Use Agreements

When a CDPR project or operation requires an agreement with land owners CDPR proactively initiates talks with the owner(s) of the property with the objective to seek an agreement for its (permanent or temporary) use. In the case of a community, CDPR engages with the community board to initiate talks in an open and transparent way through the Assembly, which is the highest authority of the community. Once negotiations have commenced all proposals and counterproposals will be presented and discussed at the Assembly meetings, until an agreement between the parties has been reached. The signature of the final agreement and its listing in the public registry is usually the responsibility of the community board.

On 13 October 2019, CDPR and the community of Quiulacocha reached an agreement for the temporary use of 77.54 hectares of communal land. Through a majority vote the community of Quiulacocha expressed it support for the reprocessing of the Quiulacocha tailings. It also approved CDPR´s upcoming drilling and technical studies program which objective is to prove that the tailings can be reprocessed economically and that the area can be rehabilitated.

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