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The CDPR Approach


The future of Cerro de Pasco (Peru) will depend on the application of the latest science in geo-resource and industrial development. The town’s history has, until now depended entirely on conventional mining of commodity metals through underground and open pit mining methods. However, new science can secure long-term economic sustainability in harmony with a healthy and prosperous local population. The initial objective of this project will be to drive the productive utilization of all material resources available at Cerro de Pasco and new industrial activities that will further perpetuate prosperity into the future.

The Concept starts with completing a detailed drilling program and associated technical studies of the Quiulacocha TSF to gain a better understanding of the deposit (resource estimation, mineralogy, metallurgical recoveries and process) and their current impact on the environment (to include a baseline study of the entire Cerro de Pasco watershed).

To this end, our upcoming drilling program and technical studies are designed to collect the information required to:

  1. Determine what solutions may be possible and how best the tailings can be reprocessed; and
  2. Collect information required for designing systems that will be used to aid environmental cleanup while work is ongoing to reuse as much of the natural resources as possible.

It also includes the development of a sustainable inline extraction process towards the elimination of all waste. This implies a search for and separation of critical elements like Rare Earth Elements (REE), Platinium Group Elements (PGE) and other strategic elements (Ge, In, Ga) as well research and innovation to use of the main volume of the known waste material (pyrite, carbonates, and silicates). An example is the innovative exploitation of the heat capacity of pyrite for home heating systems for the population of Cerro de Pasco. Additionally, new concepts for the sustainable urban development of Cerro de Pasco will be studied to strengthen the social impact by providing better living conditions for the whole population of Cerro de Pasco. This implies the attraction of secondary industries drawing benefit from the entire range of geo-resources present at Cerro de Pasco (including classical commodities (Pb, Zn, Ag, Bi, Cu, Au) as well as innovative commodities (including pyrite, carbonate, silicates).

The positive impacts will be immense in terms of job creation, poverty reduction and quality of life at Cerro de Pasco, a city with over 50,000 inhabitants and a unique history in, and loyalty to mining. CDPR will promote a broad spectrum of initiatives including urban re-planning, health and welfare in collaboration with the local and national authorities. Under the initial plan, households will be relocated from the most heavily contaminated areas. Cerro de Pasco Resources can therefore become the nucleus for sustainable growth, renewing the site’s ageing infrastructure and plant and employing the latest technologies to create an emblematic project.

Resource Management Cerro de Pasco

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